Which and why everyone should read Books?

Why we should read books?

Everyone wants peace in their life, and we all becomes prisoners of mobile technologies android or ios, an average person spends 3–5 hours a day on social media. So it the biggest distraction an cause of depression in most people’s life, now days only way to keep out mind peaceful is to make interest in reading books, i have read more than hundred books in last 2 years, i make my interest in reading it changes my mind and start making my days, Most important thing is what we are reading, it matters, my favorite books are non-fiction books we can say motivation books, i also read fiction,  So the very first thing is why we should read books:- Let’s clear our why
1. Books keeps us away from distractions. 2. You can build descipline in you life. 3. Increase knowledge. 4. Know the facts and formula’s used by most experienced and tough person’s to achieve their goals. 5. You will start enjoying your own company 6. There will so many changes in you habits like Morning routine, you may start love trees and nature, you will start caring about your health, you will never argue with any other fool and will never try to win any arguments, Focus will be increased no matter what you are doing, you will find ways to solve your problems
Above written points you must remember and review that changes comes into your life before you was reading stuff and after you become a books lover I noticed these things on my personal experience, And i feel the changes
There are so many books everyone must read like.-Non fiction books and writers (best selling)

  1. Think and grow rich by Napoleon hill
  2. Rich dad poor dad by Robert t kiyoski
  3. Who moved my cheese by Spencer johnson
  4. The monk who sold his ferari by Robin sharma
  5. How to stop worrying and start living by Dale carneige
  6. Believe in yourself by Dr. Joseph murphy
  7. As a man thinketh by james allen
  8. The road less travelled by M. scott peck
  9. Richest man in babylone by George S. clason
  10. Wings of fire By Dr. APJ Abdul kalam
  11. The power of your Subconscious mind By Dr. Joseph murphy
  12. Eat that frog by brain tracy
  13. Creative professional’s guide to money by Ilise banum

-In fiction i can suggest (best selling)

  1. I have a dream
  2. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. …
  3. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. …
  4. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exuper. …
  5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. …
  6. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. …
  7. The Hobbit by J.R.R. …
  8. Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin.
  9. The woman in the window
  10. Life is what you make it
  11. the perfect us
  12. The alchemist
  13. Turning points
  14. Train to Pakistan by khushwant singh
  15. Five point someone by chetan bhagat
  16. Half girlfriend by chetan bhagat

In non fiction books Khushwant singh, chetan bhagat, preeti shenoy and bhagat singh, you can read their books.

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hope Everyone should read at least 2 books in a month, just keep a book with yourself every time no matter you are going to office or you are at home or you are going to travel, books are our good friends and always help us to find new way of living life. Let me show you my mini liberary

This is my liberary i made, only Little fiction is there, other i place in my Almirah i always wanted my liberary like this, so i get it, i believe in the power of our subconscious mund, what we think and what we want from our heart we get it if we have no doubt to getting it, Here is An interesting part: Now you all will say that we read books in school and we don’t want to hold books anymore, i must say every student must read other books from their syllabus, it is a good thing if we read after school, School and college books are necessary for our growth and Other books are also a part of our growth which is mental growth, financial growth, peace of mind, Controlling our mind, learning the experience of old people form your field or any other field, to learn what our mentor did, and what technique they use to get success. It is not any boundation to hold any book in your hand if you don’t want to read, i say only read that stuff which you makes you feel good, and which push to to turn next page. Imagination : Books are good way of imagination if you ever experience that whenever you read a book there is a voice which your ears are listening even when you are not reading loudly, the voice of author.Reading word by word and line by line there is also a picture of imagination going in your mind, you can clearly see the picture and video which is going in your mind,Thanks.

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