How Maggi reached door to door | Maggi Succuss story

Maggi entered India in 1983. Today Maggi completes 35 years in India. At that time the company had played a big bet because they doubted that this product would work in India. But as soon as Maggi came, it made a splash in the market.

Everyone started liking it. Within a few years of coming to India, Maggi got 75% of the market share. That is, out of 100 people who eat Maggi in the whole world, 75 were from India only. Let’s know how Maggi reached every house, and who discovered it.

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When Julius Michael Johannes Maggi started the food product in 1860, he would never have thought that his brand would earn a name in the world. Everyone in India from village to city is fond of Maggi. This product is popular not only in India but all over the world. Let’s know the story of becoming Maggi in 2 minutes.

Julius Maggi, who discovered Maggi, was born on 9 October 1846. After completing his studies, Maggi tried his hand at his father’s business. In 1869 he started working in his father’s flour mill. At that time there was a huge decline in the milling industry and their work came to a standstill. After which Maggi thought of doing some other business. After which he joined hands with physician Fridolin Schueller and both started the work of bean flour in 1884. But he failed miserably.

According to the Nestle website, the work of making readymade soup started in 1886. This Maggi soup was made from legume millet which had high protein content. Later, Julius Maggi registered the company under the name ‘Maggi GMBH’ in 1897, and many more Maggi products were launched in the market. Maggi and its formula were bought by Nestle in 1947. After this Nestle promoted Maggi and took out a lot of advertisements. It was told that this is a nutrition food, it is best for very busy people because it is prepared in 2 minutes.

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