Red Bull (Energy Drink) Success Story In Hindi | 1976-2022 | Dietrich Mateschitz

whether it is a birthday party or a New Year celebration, from a college party to all other celebrations, one thing is common, and that is a can of Red Bull in the hands of the youth.
Now as you must be aware that Red Bull is a popular energy drink, which has been a leader in this market for a long time, but you will be surprised to know that today Red Bull Company is not only a company producing energy drinks, Rather, he owns two Formula One team, five professional football clubs, and an ICE hockey team.
So let’s know how this company started, and following which strategies, today this company is touching the heights of success, and what is the truth behind this energy drink being the sperm of the bulls.

History of Red Bull

Red Bull was started in 1976 in Thailand when CHALEO YOOVIDHYA, a local businessman, launched it into the market. In fact, in those days Japan’s energy drink Lipovitan D was very famous in Thailand, which people used to mix in medicine bottles, this energy drink used to be very expensive, and due to this only rich people could buy it, and so on. This brought an idea to Chaleo why not make such an energy drink that not only rich but also poor people can easily buy.
Now since CHALEO used to run his own pharmaceutical company inside Bangkok, then he very easily made a new energy drink by modifying the formula of Lipovitan D and he named this new energy drink Krating Daeng Where Krating means Red and Daeng means Bulls.
CHALEO’s new drink was cheap as well as good to drink, due to which it started becoming popular within Thailand shortly after its launch, in addition to working very hard on the marketing of its drink as they Started sponsoring the local ICE fighting competition to be held in Thailand and friends, with all these efforts, within just a few years, Krating Daeng became Thailand’s number one energy drink.
Now although this energy drink had become more popular in the local market than before, still the year 1982 proved to be the biggest turning point for it, in fact, during the year 1982, the famous Austrian businessman Dietrich made a trip to Thailand and for a long time Became a victim of jet lag due to air travel.
Actually, Jet Lag happens when many people travel by air together, then due to different environments, they get many problems like sleeplessness, dizziness, and headache.
When Dietrich was struggling with the problem of Jet lag after coming to Thailand, then someone advised him that by drinking Krating Daeng his problem would be cured and that is why he drank a bottle of this energy drink, and his friends drank this energy drink. Jet lag really got cured.
Dietrich liked this drink so much that he decided at the same time that he would definitely take this brand from Thailand to his country Austria, but due to his financial condition, he could not do this work alone. In fact, Dietrich used to do a marketing job at that time in a toothpaste company named Blendax, even in Thailand, he was coming for the same job. That’s why he had arranged a meeting with CHALEO, the owner of Krating Daeng, and told him his plan to launch his energy drink in Austria.
Now CHALEO liked their plan of Dietrich, after which both of them started a new company by investing half a million dollars, in which both became owners of 49-49 percent, while the remaining 2 percent share was given by Dietrich to his son.
Also, with the consent of both, it was also decided that the company would be run by Dietrich.

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Red Bull Success:

After this, in the year 1987, Dietrich changed the name of this company from Krating Daeng to Red Bull and launched it in Austria.
And at the time of this launch, Red Bull was also given the slogan Red Bull gives you wings which is still world-famous today.
Now friends, for your information, let us tell you that it was given the name Red Bull so that it can be easily recognized in the international market. Now since there was no competitor of Red Bull inside the Austrian market at that time, this drink proved to be a super hit in the market as soon as it was launched.

Red Bull Success Story

The company sold more than 1 million Red Bull cans in the first year, although Red Bull had a very strong start, at that time the company had to face many difficulties. In fact, seeing Red Bull moving very fast, some other companies stood up against it, even inside Germany this energy drink was completely banned. At the same time, a rumor was spread in the market that Red Bull is very harmful to health and a rumor was also spread in the market that it is made from Bull’s semen. In fact, a compound named Taurine is mixed inside Red Bull, which acts as an energy booster in the human body, in such a situation, a lie was spread among the people that Taurine mixed with Red Bull is mixed with Bull’s semen. While the truth is that it is made synthetically inside the lab, not from the semen of any animal, despite such rumors and controversies, etc., Red Bull continued to advance from time to time because of the company’s Founder Dietrich was already a marketing expert and knew very well how to use controversies and rumors to his advantage. Now, if seen, the most important role behind the success of Red Bull is marketing because Red Bull is a company whose marketing method has been very different from the beginning and this company has spent the largest part of its revenue on marketing itself.
In fact, from the very beginning, Red Bull targeted such youths who like to party and adventure, and to target these people, Red Bull also adopted many different marketing techniques such as schools, colleges, and gyms. Deliberately park vehicles outside etc. that have a huge can of Red Bull kept and people could test samples of Red Bull from these vehicles for free.
Apart from this, distributing free Red Bull cans at young people’s parties and sponsoring these parties has also been a part of this company’s marketing and not only this Red Bull has also played many sports such as Formula Racing, Many sports like cricket, badminton, esports have also been sponsored because youth are most interested in these sports.
And friends, in all these ways, Red Bull became a very popular energy drink among the youth in a very short time and its sales started to be very high, even in the beginning, Red Bull could hardly sell 1 million cans in a year, while By 1997, it had grown to sell more than 1 million cans per day.
Apart from this, where other companies make a big star player as their brand ambassador and promote their product from him, Red Bull thought that better than paying money to just one player, why not buy a whole team and then buy that team. All the players should be promoted to their brand and thinking of this, the company had bought many different sports teams, due to which today Red Bull sponsors more than 17 teams of 11 different sports like Football, Formula One ICE Hockey. And the players playing in these teams promote Red Bull all over the world.
Apart from this, Red Bull covers and sponsors different types of Worl Records made in the world, such as the space jump of Austrian skydiver Felix was also sponsored by Red Bull in the year 2012 when the company spent 50 on this entire project. Spent more than a million dollars.
By the way, looking at the figures today, it can be said that promoting and sponsoring such events proved to be very beneficial for Red Bull because year after year the sales and revenue of the Red Bull company have been seen going upwards. You will be surprised to know that in the year 2020, Red Bull sold 7.9 billion cans, which is a world record in itself and today the revenue of this company is more than the figure of 18 billion dollars.
Also, the company’s co-founder and CEO Dietrich is ranked 56th in Forbes’ list of World Billionaires, where today his net worth is around 27 billion, and his friends, the same CHALEO died on March 17, 2012.
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Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz Success Story in Hindi