Lionel Messi Biography | Success Story of Lionel Messi


If we talk about the football world, then the names of Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, and Neymar are definitely taken, meanwhile, we will talk about Lionel Messi, who is one of the best football players at the moment. Lionel Messi is one of the few footballers who writes his own …

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The downfall of BSNL | WHAT? WHY? HOW?


BSNL, which was once a top public sector unit, is facing a financial crisis and is not able to clear its dues and loans. BSNL’s debt is around 15000 crores, and 70% of it is unpaid. But what happened is that BSNL is not able to clear its dues, BSNL …

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Struggle to Success Story of Cristiano Ronaldo | Biography


The famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is a role model for all football lovers around the world. Cristiano Ronaldo’s name is very famous in the list of popular players around the world. He is always in the news because of his game and his wonderful personality. Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has gained …

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How Bluetooth Started? How Bluetooth Got Its Name

bluetooth Jaap C. Haartsen

Friends, in today’s era of technology, everything is important, Bluetooth is one of the Important Technology inventions which still cannot be replaced, Bluetooth has made our life very easy, It is used for speakers, headphones, earphones, calling, mobile to mobile data transfer, PC data transfer, and to control many things, …

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The Success Story Of Burger King

burger king

Are you a fast food Lover? If yes, which would you prefer to have your lunch McDonald’s or Burger King? For most readers, this will be Burger King. In the food brand market, Burger King has been able to make an impact while giving good competition to many of its …

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Gucci Brand Success Story

guccio gucci

People who have a different perspective of seeing the world are successful in extracting themselves from every situation and such people go ahead and write history. Today’s story is about one such person who was born in poverty but his thinking was always rich. On the basis of his rich …

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